my collection of Goshu-in (Red Ink Stamps)

The Goshu-in is a proof of visiting the temple or the shrine.


You pay at the reception desk of the temple(or shrine), and the person at the temple(or shurine) writes Goshu-in in your Goshu-in book.
Engaku-ji Juhuku-ji Jochi-ji Gokuraku-ji Hase-dera
Houkai-ji Eisho-ji Jokomyo-ji Kaizo-ji Myoryu-ji
An-yo-in Myoren-ji Joju-in Joko-ji Tokei-ji
Kotoku-in Meigetsu-in Shugen-ji Honkaku-ji Ohfuna-kan-on-ji

inserted by FC2 system