End Fed Antenna & Memory Keyer Workshop



    2 Home Area: East part of Kanagawa pref.

    3 Contents

    3.1 End Fed a Half Wave-length Antenna(EFHWA)

    (1) Why we study and test EFHWA?

    (2) Transformer Type EFHWA

    (3) LC Type EFHWA

    (4) How to make a loading coils

    (5) Some study of the performance of EFHWAs

    (A11) Home Brew an Antenna Tuning Unit for High Power TX
    (A12) ハイパワー・アンテナチューナーの自作

    (A2) Micro Vert Antenna (Under Construction)

    3.2 How to draw graphs & charts of the aquired data

    (1) Procedures to draw graphs & charts by Scilab

    (2) What is Scilab?

    3.3 Board Computers

    (1) How to make a Memory keyer with Bluetooth I/F using ARDUINO UNO
    (2) How to use a Memory keyer with Bluetooth I/F using ARDUINO UNO

    (1)' ARDUINO UNOを使用したBluetooth I/F付きメモリー・キーヤーの作り方(Japanese)
    (2)' ARDUINO UNOを使用したBluetooth I/F付きメモリー・キーヤーの使い方(Japanese)

    (3)' ARDUINO UNOを使用したメモリー・キーヤー兼モールス練習機の作り方(Japanese)
    音声サンプル (Please Click to Start!)

    (4) How to make a CW decoder using ARDUINO UNO

    (4)' ARDUINO UNOを使用したCWデコーダーの作り方(Japanese)

    (5) PIC micon

    (6) Arduino computer

    3.4 Others

    (1) Let's go to Dayton Hamvention!

    (2) Let's go to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton!

    (3) Let's go to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton!

    (4) Let's go to Kamakura Histrical Tour!

    (5) Let's collect Goshu-ins of temples and shrines in Kamakura!

    (6) Let's master Classical Control Theory in 3 days before tired! (Japanese)
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